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In accordance with letter of authority 212-Bi, I left Washington, D. C. on December 13 and proceeded to Little Rock, Arkansas, for the purpose of gathering information on damage by birds to rice in the State of Arkansas. It was desired to know the species of birds implicated in such damage, the period or periods at which harm was done and extent and consequences of such damage as definitely as possible. Little Rock, Arkansas, was reached on December 15. In Little Rock I visited Mr. E. V. Visart, Inspector in Interstate Commerce and Game for the Biological Survey, who had forwarded reports of damage in fields of rice by wild ducks and secured information as to areas from which complaints had come. These were all in Arkansas County, Arkansas, and came from areas adjacent to the towns of Stuttgart, DeWitt and Gillet. I worked at Stuttgart from December 16 to 18, and at DeWitt from December 19 to 20. Gillet was visited on December 21 and further investigations were made at De Witt on December 22. The return journey to Little Rock was made on December 23, and after further conference with Mr. Visart I proceeded to Southern Texas as directed in my letters of authority and instructions.

In carrying on this investigation leading rice growers and men interested in the rice industry were visited and interrogated and areas in which rice was still standing in shocks in the fields were examined and the condition of the grain noted. Samples of grain showing damage by birds were secured and although weather conditions during most of the period were such as to militate against successful photography a few views were taken in damaged fields near De Witt. In addition observations and notes were made of the appearance and movements of birds in the areas