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Matagorda on Jan. 1 and 2. (specimens).

[[underlined]] Astragalinus tristis [[/underlined]].
Goldfinches were seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 27 and near Bay City on Jan. 1.

[[underlined]] Pooectes [[sic]] gramineus [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 27, El Campo Dec. 29 and near Bay City Jan. 1 and 2.

[[underlined]] Passerculus sandwichensis [[/underlined]].
Savanna Sparrows were seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and near Bay City Jan. 1 and 2. In the latter locality I found them abundant west of town on New Years Day.

[[underlined]] Zonotrichia querula [[/underlined]].
One seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 27.

[[underlined]] Zonotrichia l. leucophrys [[/underlined]].
Common at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27. All observed closely belonged to true [[underlined]] leucophrys [[/underlined]]. These birds fed in little flocks in dense brush, especially under the thorny cover of the Cherokee Rose. At dusk I found them coming out more into the open.

[[underlined]] Zonotrichia albicollis [[/underlined]].
Common at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27.

[[underlined]] Melospiza melodia [[/underlined]].
Seen at Eagle lake Dec. 25 and 27 and near Bay City on Jan. 1.

[[underlined]] Melospiza georgiana [[/underlined]].
A few seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27.

[[underlined]] Passerella i. iliaca [[/underlined]].
Fairly common near Eagle Lake Dec. 27. A few near Bay City on Jan. 1

[[underlined]] Pipilo maculatus [[/underlined]].
Striped-back Towhees were fairly common in dense brush near Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27.

Transcription Notes:
Pooectes should be spelled Pooecetes