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[[underlined]] Oberholseria chlorura [[/underlined]].
One seen several times at close range in dense brush near Eagle Lake on Dec. 27.

[[underlined]] Cardinalis cardinalis canicaudus [[/underlined]].
Abundant in suitable localities. Seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27; Wharton Dec. 28; and near Bay City Jan. 1 and 2, also at Ashby Jan. 2. 

[[underlined]] Passer domesticus [[/underlined]].
Common at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27 and Bay City Jan. 1 and 2. 

[[underlined]] Bombycilla cedrorum [[/underlined]].
A flock seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 27.

[[underlined]] Lanius ludovicianus [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28 and Bay City Jan. 1 and 2.

[[underlined]] Dendroica coronata [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27; Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29 and Bay City Jan 1.

[[underlined]] Geothlypis trichas [[/underlined]].
Fairly common near Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27. Many along the Colorado River near Bay City Jan. 1. 

[[underlined]] Anthus rubescens [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen in flocks. Recorded at Eagle Lake Dec. 25 and 27, Wharton Dec. 28, El Campo Dec. 29, Bay City and Matagorda Jan. 1 and 2.

[[underlined]] Anthus spraguei [[/underlined]].
This pipit was fairly common on the level prairie above Matagorda on Jan. 1 and 2. The birds were feeding here in company with the common pipit but when startled the two species separated. In its habits Sprague's Pipit resembled the longspurs as it crept about crouching close to the ground and