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[[underlined]] Zenaidura m. carolinensis [[/underlined]].
One seen near Dewitt Dec. 19. Fourteen were seen in the same locality on Dec. 22 resting in the sun perched in the tops of tall trees bordering a corn field.

[[underlined]] Cathartes a. septentrionalis [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 17, and at Dewitt Dec. 19, 20 and 22. Birds were very tame and often sat on fence posts at the side of the road while the car passed.

[[underlined]] Circus hudsonius [[/underlined]].
Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16 and 17 and near Dewitt Dec. 19. On Dec. 16 one was quartering a field located within the town of Stuttgart.

[[underlined]] Buteo borealis [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 17 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19 and 22. 

[[underlined]] Buteo lineatus [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16 and 17 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19. At Stuttgart one was observed in a grove immediately adjacent to houses at one edge of town.

[[underlined]] Buteo platypterus [[/underlined]].
One near Dewitt on Dec. 19.

[[underlined]] Falco sparverius [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen near Stuttgart on Dec. 17 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Asio flammeus [[/underlined]].
One near Dewitt Dec. 19.

[[underlined]] Strix varia [[/underlined]].
Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16 and 18 and in the heavy bottom timber along