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[[underlined]] Quiscalus q. aeneas. [[/underlined]]

Common. Observed at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18 and near Dewitt on December 19, 20 and 22. At Stuttgart these grackles were feeding on acorns of a pin oak. These acorns the birds cut neatly in two at the center by holding them in the bill and pressing them against the angular compressed k^[[ee]]l projecting from the palate (peculiar to this genus). From examining the nuts it appeared that the acorn was ^[[rotated and worked through the bill until it was]] cut through clear around when the shell was discarded and the meat swallowed.

[[underlined]] Astragalinus t. tristis.  [[/underlined]]

Fairly common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 18 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Calcarius lapponicus. [[/underlined]]

A dozen seen below Stuttgart in one place and twenty or more in another, Dec. 17.

[[underlined]] Passerculus s. savanna. [[/underlined]]

Fairly common at Stuttgart Dec. 17. Seen near Dewitt, Dec. 19.

[[underlined]] Zonotrichia albicollis. [[/underlined]]

Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16 and 18. Common at Dewitt Dec. 20 and 22. In the Little Lagrue Bottoms near Dewitt small flocks frequented growths of cane [[underlined]] (Arundinaria tecta). [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Spizella pusilla. [[/underlined]]

A few seen near Dewitt on Dec. 18 and 20.

[[underlined]] Junco hyemalis. [[/underlined]]

Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19, 20 and 22.