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[[underlined]] Anthus rubescens [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Six were seen in a field of rice stubble near Stuttgart on Dec. 17. About 30 were observed in a similar situation near Dewitt on Dec. 19 and four were noted near the same place on Dec. 20.

[[underlined]] Mimus p. polyglottos [[/underlined]].
Fairly common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 17 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19 and 20.

[[underlined]] Toxostoma rufum [[/underlined]].
One seen near Dewitt Dec. 20.

[[underlined]] Thryothorus l. ludovicianus [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Thryomanes b. bewicki [[/underlined]].
One near Dewitt Dec. 20.

[[underlined]] Certhia f. americana [[/underlined]].
Five seen in bottom woods near Dewitt Dec. 20.

[[underlined]] Sitta carolinensis [[/underlined]].
Fairly common in bottom woods near Dewitt. Seen Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Baeolophus bicolor [[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16 and 18 and near Dewitt Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Penthestes c. carolinensis[[/underlined]].
Common. Seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16, 17 and 18 and near Dewitt on Dec. 19, 20 and 22.

[[underlined]] Regulus s. satrapa[[/underlined]].
Two seen at Stuttgart Dec. 16. Fairly common along Little Lagrue Bayou above Dewitt Dec. 20.