Viewing page 60 of 117

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[[Train ticket]]

DOLLARS              |        CENTS 
1 [[2 is punched]]3 |   1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 |  30 45 50 55 [[60 is 
40 50                   punched]] 65 70 75 80
                     |  85 90 95  

THE PULLMAN COMPANY       8-17 EC 88976

CAR ^[[Scrolot??]]  LINE ^[[3345]]
FROM ^[[Letter Red]] | Amount Collected
TO ^ [[Houston]] | $ ^[[2]] C ^[[60]]
^[[D John??]] Conductor
No. Passengers ^[[1]] | Date ^[[12-23-]] 191^[[7]]

[[column on right]]
Changed Accom. [[star]]
Lower Berth No. [[star]]
Upper North No. ^[[8]] [[star is punched]]
Compartment [[star]]
Drawing Room [[star]]
Seat No. [[star]]
Accommodations not transferable. Property taken into car will be at owner's risk. 
Complaints, criticism of service, or suggestions will receive prompt attention if addressed to Assistant General Superintendent, The Pullman Company, Chicago, Ill. [[/preprinted]]