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Charles Spicer — S
Had 30 acres in rice strip & 18 in another across from Basye field. Had some loss from Ducks but did not know how much as he did not see it himself. Could give no estimate but thought loss was comparatively light.

Loss to Basye came a short time after middle of November. Loss estimated at 6000 bushels of grain valued at $12000. (This is O.K.) According to Basye Mallards came in in overwhelming numbers so that he almost felt oppressed by the multitude as though something was weighting him down. Thirty men in a hundred acre field were unable to keep the birds out by shooting and yelling. 60 acres entirely ruined. Attempt was made to thresh but after half a day was given up as not worth while.

Mr. Spicer has been here 8 years. about 6 years ago heavy rains set in before any rice was cut and continued until winter. Ducks damaged much rice near River (east) at that time.

No other damage by ducks Known. Generally conceded that blackbirds in winter do service by cleaning up red rice. The red rice is more persistant then other grains while