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Dewitt Ark 12-19-17

English Sparrow 50
Bluejay 12  |  Redwing 10
Red-belted Woodpecker 6 | Cowbird 10
Bluejay  |  Bronzed Grackle 10
Cedar Waxwing 37 | Mourning Dove 1
Myrtle Warbler 2
Carolina Wren 3
Short-eared Owl 1
Downy Woodpecker 5
Carolina Chickadee 4
Rusty Blackbird 500
Flicker 18
Tufted Tit 3
Hairy Woodpecker 1
White-breasted nuthatch 1
Song Sparrow 3
Buzzard 3
Bluebird 2
Junco 75
Mockingbird 4
Goldfinch 1
Marsh Hawk 3
Redtail 4
Broadwing 1
Pipit 30
Savanna Sparrow 50
Rusty Blackbird 1:45   1:45   4:00
                110    109.6  109.6
Red-shouldered Hawk 1
Mallard 2000
Pintail 1
Shrike 3
Sparrowhawk 3
Cardinal 8
Fox Sparrow 1
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
Fisher 1
1 Moses place shock trampled by ducks 12/19/17
2   "     "   shock eaten    "    "       "
3   "     "     "     "      "    "       "
4   "     "   Typical rice field          "
5   "     "            "                  "
6   "     "            "                  "

[[short line]]

Park Moses, place 110 acres 2000 bu loss about Thanksgiving. Damage mostly done in one night. All done in two week. Field of Blue Rose. Shocks frozen in. A few torn down ducks burrowing in shocks. trampling around shocks & a few trampled down. Some blackbird damage.

R.I. Alters, claims $2500 damage largely from blackbirds. Ducks working in about 40 acres of fields.

Mr. J. McMillan is farming Mr. Browns place. States that birds mainly ducks have destroyed 2000 bushels for him. This seems to be conservative estimate. Men were busy threshing but was able to examine 40 acres that had not been touched. In this the shocks had been frozen in so that none seen were torn down though I was told that some had been. I saw mallard feathers scattered about and many signs of where ducks had been feeding and clambering over shocks. In some cases