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O. A. Ulland - Mgr. Blue Creek Canal Co
6000 acres in rice. Damage by Blackbirds None by ducks during past two years because of dry weather. Damage from that source on previous years in [[late?]] grain when in shock. Blackbirds specially bad this year. In one lot of early prolific part was threshed at once & part a month later. Last yielded 3 1/2 bags to acre less than first.

H.H. Foster trouble with blackbirds
ducks do some damage
Summer Duck" does harm to sprouting grain in wet fields

Jack Davault damage by blackbirds at seeding & in harvest. 10 years in rice. none by ducks
Shooting drives them out

Mrs. E. W. Turner Damage by Blackbirds worse this year than last. All farmers had meeting at Collegeport & agreed to poison at planting time with rough rice soaked in Strych. This depleted numbers of birds. This not done this year & damage worse. Ducks very bad came in in Sept. & Oct Some shocks of choice rice protected by sacks sewed together. Damage worse near river than back here