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Eared grebe 24-22-10-16-20
[[checkmark]] Coot    4-6-4-1-5-4-4-2-20
[[checkmark]] Yellowhead [[24 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Ruddy [[7 tick marks]]
Song Sp [[5 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Redhead [[13 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Mallard [[10 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Cinnamon [[3 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Gadwall [[28 tick marks]]
Pied bill [[2 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Spoonbill [[9 tick marks]]
[[checkmark]] Greenwing [[1 tick mark]]
[[checkmark]] Wigeon [[1 tick mark]]

Snowy heron [[strikethrough]] 103.6 [[/strikethrough]] 8:45 P.
Spotted Sandpiper
R B gull 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Ruddy male in jumping forward on water extends wings and flaps them on water for three or four strokes. [[female symbol]] ends immitation displays by extending head and calling qua - cr. One swimming [[checkmark]] after male with head & neck extended on water calling qua - qua in a flat tone
Yellowheads flocks of 30-40 [[male symbol]]'s & [[female symbol]]'s males all [[immature?]]. Sing from rushes in flat wheezy broken tones, with  strength of song of adult., restless continually flying about though mixed with adults. Frequent small [[?]] [[clumps?]] that are just attaining their growth. males sing & pursue each other about [[areas?]] & get out a fair song but attempts usually remind me of [[full?]] songs of males after the molt.

[[male symbol]] testes  8x4 mm.
                        8x4.5 " [[ditto for: mm]]
[[female symbol]] ovum    5 mm in diameter

Transcription Notes:
How do you enter tick marks? R Bgull is probably "ring-billed gull"