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[[underlined]][[?]] bill peculiar grunting whining
House Finch 8:30 am
Mtn Chickadee yg [[strikethrough]][[?]][[\strikethrough]]8:30 am nestlings
[[image]]male symbol [[strikethrough]] 107.9 [[\strikethrough]]10:00 
[[?]][[?]][[image]]female symbol [[strikethrough]]107.2 [[\strikethrough]] 10:30a
Virginia Warbler [[image]]male symbol ad [[strikethrough]]108.0[[\strikethrough]]11:00
Sitta pygmaea [[image]]male symbol ad [[strikethrough]] 1079[[\strikethrough]] [[12?]]
great Horned Owl [[image]]male symbol ad[[strikethrough]]103.6[[\strikethrough]]9:00 P.M
Eptesicus Fuscus [[image]] female symbol ad [[strikethrough]]100.6[[\strikethrough]] 9:15 P.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[?]][[?]]callnote [[?]]that man at hand is very similar to chebu of [[?]]. Note given almost as one syllable.
[[Cather?]] nest on small shelf of rock  in shallow cave hollowed out in [[?]] cave 3 feet high on ledge fifteen feet from base [[image?]] Nest about 8 inches across base 2 1/2 inches tall. ]]?]] 2 1/2 inches in diameter 2 inches deep. Foundation a dozen small twigs upon which was placed moss and [[spi?]] webbing with bits of leaves
[[?]]&[[?]]from quaking aspen. Nest lining a heavy filling of sheeps wool with addition of feather of [[Bilbo?]] [[Tachycinter]] and [[Car?]] [[?]]. wool mainly white but a few strands of brown. 4 eggs.
chickades nest 5 feet up in woodpecker hole in aspen [[?]].[[?]]Sewick tsee-ee 
sewick [[?]] tsee-ee
[[?]]warbler chip chip chip chip
chip callnote a faint [[?]] very hard to locate