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Board of Regents

[[underlined]] Minutes of Meeting of the Audit and Review Committee [[/underlined]]

The Regents Audit and Review Committee met on Thursday evening, February 28, 1980, at 7:00 p.m., in the Naturalist Center of the National Museum of Natural History/National Museum of Man.  Committee members present were:

Senator Robert B. Morgan, Vice Chairman
Congressman Norman Y. Mineta
Honorable George H. Mahon
Ambassador Kenneth Rush
Mr. David C. Acheson

Senator Henry M. Jackson, Chairman of the Committee, and Mr. James E. Webb, Chairman of the Regents' Executive Committee, were unable to attend due to prior commitments.

Also attending were Paul N. Perrot, Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs; Philip Leslie, Registrar of the Smithsonian; Christian C. Hohenlohe, Treasurer; John F. Jameson, Assistant Secretary for Administration; Chris S. Peratino, Director, Office of Audits; James M. Hobbins, Executive Assistant to the Secretary; A. William Mann and Edward A. Bartko of Coopers and Lybrand; Owen J. Malone, Assistant to Senator Jackson; Carroll H. Leggett, Assistant to Senator Morgan; Paul Schoellhamer, Assistant to Mr. Mineta; and Hermann P. Bretsch, Consultant to the Board of Regents.

I.  [[underlined]] Smithsonian Collections Inventory [[/underlined]]

Senator Morgan called the meeting to order and introduced Paul N. Perrot, the Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs, who briefly reviewed the history of the management of collections at