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[[underlined]] Designation of Dr. Haskins as Regent Emeritus [[/underlined]]

Mr. Webb noted that on August 30, 1980 Dr. Caryl Parker Haskins completed his fourth term as a Regent of the Smithsonian.  Few Regents -- Alexander Graham Bell, Arthur H. Compton, and Andrew Dickson White among them -- have ever served with such great distinction and devotion over the course of a quarter century.  Clearly Dr. Haskins' interests in Smithsonian affairs will not wane, and his continued association with the Board of Regents promises to be invaluable.

Dr. Haskins has indicated his eagerness to continue to work with the Institution in three areas which he would be pleased to visit, namely the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and the Department of Entomology in the National Museum of Natural History.  The Secretary has agreed to make appropriate arrangements.

The following motion, suggested by the Executive Committee, was approved by the Board:

VOTED that, in accordance with Section 2.08 of the Bylaws, the Board of Regents confers on Dr. Caryl Parker Haskins the title of Regent Emeritus, with all the rights and responsibilities thereof.