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°Division of Performing Arts - As noted in the previous meetings, the original budgeted net gain of $697,000 was overly optimistic with regard to expenses and personnel needed to generate programs and record sales.  A break-even is now expected for the year, but, as noted below, we expect a significant net gain in FY 1981. | - 697,000

°SI Press - Although the projection has been revised downward since May, a net gain for the year of $340,000 (compared to budget of $240,000) is projected due primarily to mail sales of the Abrams NASM book. | + 100,000

°Exposition Books - Changes in this program are discussed below in the report on popular book publishing.  Increased sales and reduced expenses are expected to result in a net gain of $250,000, compared to $105,000 estimated in May, but still significantly lower than original budget of $175,000. | - 465,000

°All other auxiliary activities - Other changes, primarliy in Photographic Services, will produce a budget variance of | [[underlined]]  - 65,000 [[/underlined]]

Net Change in Income | [[underlined]] + 519,000 [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Expenses and Transfers [[/underlined]]-

-Overhead recovery is projected to be substantially lower than originally budgeted due to overall lower expenditures of grant and other restricted funds subject to overhead. | -$463,000

-Administrative expenditures have been held below budget by $118,000, but this will be mostly offset by increased program allotments of $96,000. | +  22,000

-Due to increased net gains in auxiliary activities, revenue sharing transfers to bureaus will increase from $335,000 to $390,000. | [[underlined]] -  55,000 [[/underlined]]

Net Change in Expenses | [[underlined]] -$496,000 [[/underlined]]

Total net change to Unrestricted General Trust Funds [[double underlined]] +$ 23,000 [[/double underlined]]