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Five-Year Prospectus projects that this can be made up in the following year.

Total income to [[underlined]] Special Purpose [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Restricted [[/underlined]] trust funds is projected to be slightly higher than in FY 1981, but with restricted trust fund expenditures decreasing because of non-recurring grants in FY 1981.  [[underlined]] Federal Agency Grants and Contracts [[/underlined]] are expected to increase by $900,000, due once again to increased activity at SAO.

[[underlined]] Regents FY 1982 Budget Approval [[/underlined]]

Approval of the Board is requested for submission of the FY 1982 appropriation request to the Office and Management and Budget, together with the budget estimates for FY 1982 non-appropriated trust funds.  The following motion was passed:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the Smithsonian Institution Budget for FY 1982 for presentation to the Office of Management and Budget in September, 1980.
[[underlined]] Other Matters: Henry Murray Property [[/underlined]]

At the May, 1979 meeting, the Board of Regents authorized the Secretary to negotiate the purchase of the [[underlined]] Henry Murray property, [[/underlined]] a 128-acre parcel of land at the Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies for up to $325,000, with the Chairman of the Executive Committee to authorize any reasonable additional sums necessary for the purchase.  At the September meeting it was reported that the Estate of Henry Murray, owner of the property, had obtained an appraisal indicating the property had a much higher value than $325,000, but that the Institution was obtaining an independent appraisal to support an offer consistent with available funds.  Before a bid could be made, the Institution learned that the Estate had sold