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($1,000's)  Source & Application of Funds   Schedule C
FY 1980 Projected
(Excluding Foreign Currency Program)

[[ruled table, 7 columns]]

[[double-underlined]] OPERATING FUNDS [[/double-underlined]] |    |     | [[underlined]] Unrest. Trust Funds [[/underlined]]|   |

    | Federal Approps. | Federal Gr. & Cont. | General | Sp. Purp. | Restricted Trust Fds. | Total Op. Funds

[[underlined]] Funds Provided: [[/underlined]]
Federal Appropriation* | 107,764 | - | - | - | - | 107,764
Investments | - | - | 2,500 | 350 | 2,400 | 5,250
Gifts, Grants & Contracts | - | 14,296 | 50 | 84 | 2,100 | 16,530
Self-generated - Gross Rev.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | 71,081 | - | - | 71,081
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | 2,071 | - | 2,071
Other Misc. | - | - | 50 | 532 | 700 | 1,282
Total Income | 107,764 | 14,296 | 73,681 | 3,037 | 5,200 | 203,978
Less Expenses - Self Gener.
Auxiliary Acts. (Sched. F) | - | - | (62,135) | - | - | (62,135)
Bureaux (Sched. G) | - | - | - | (1,864) | - | (1,864)
Net Funds Provided | 107,764 | 14,296 | 11,546 | 1,173 | 5,200 | 139,979

[[underlined]] Funds Applied: [[/underlined]] (Net)
Science | 39,657 | 13,941 | 2,573 | 613 | 2,971 | 59,755
Less:  SAO O/H Recovery | - | - | (2,168) | - | - | (2,168)
History & Art | 18,092 | 80 | 642 | 605 | 2,517 | 21,936
Public Service | 2,326 | 15 | 680 | - | 8 | 3,029
Museum Programs | 8,568 | 75 | 233 | 34 | 118 | 9,028
Special Programs | 2,325 | 158 | 599 | 6,222 | 43 | 9,347
Associates Pgms/Bus.Mgmt. | - | 63 | 290 | 1 | 20 | 374
Administration - SI | 8,023 | - | 4,947 | 57 | 120 | 13,147
Less:  SI O/H Recovery | - | - | (4,461) | - | - | (4,461)
Facilities Services | 28,773 | - | 807 | 90 | - | 29,670
Total Funds Applied | 107,764 | 14,332 | 4,142 | 7,622 | 5,797 | 139,657
Total Funds Applied | [[double-underlined]] 107,764 | 14,332 | 4,142 | 7,622 | 5,797 | 139,657 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Transfers: [[/underlined]] Out (In)
Current Funds
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 390 | (390) | - | -
-Tax Liability | - | - | 700 | (700) | - | -
-Fellowships | - | - | 822 | (822) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 2,200 | (2,200) | - | -
-Other | - | - | - | - | - | -
Plant Funds | - | - | 1,238 | 25 | - | 1,263
Endowment Funds | - | - | 2,031 | - | (50) | 1,981
Total Transfers | [[double-underlined]] 107,764 | 14,332 | 4,142 | 7,622 | 5,797 | 139,657 [[/double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Transfers: [[/underlined]] Out (In)
Current Funds | - | - | - | - | - | 
-Bureau Revenue Sharing | - | - | 390 | (390) | - | -
-Tax Liability | - | - | 700 | (700) | - | -
-Fellowships | - | - | 822 | (822) | - | -
-Special Programs | - | - | 2,200 | (2,200) | - | -
-Other | - | - | - | - | - | -
Plant Funds | - | - | 1,238 | 25 | - | 1,263
Endowment Funds | - | - | 2,031 | - | (50) | 1,981
Total Transfers | [[double-underlined]] - | - | 7,381| (4,087) | (50) | 3,244 [[double-underlined]]

[[underlined]] Change in Fund Balance [[/underlined]] | - | (36) | 23 | (2,362) | (547) | (2,922)
[[underlined]] Ending Fund Balance [[/underlined]] | [[double-underlined]] - | 0 | 4,988 | 9,205 | 4,317 | 18,510 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

[[table, 3 columns]]
[[underlined]] CONSTRUCTION/PLANT FUNDS | Federal Appropriations | Nonfederal Funds [[/underlined]]
National Zoological Park | 6,250 | -
Museum Support Center | 20,600 | -
Restoration & Renovation of Bldgs. | 5,250 | -
Chesapeake Bay Center-Land Acq. | - | 38
South Quadrangle | - | 1,000
Sensory Garden | - | 200
Museum of African Art Mortgage Payments | [[underlined]]  | 25 [[/underlined]]
  | [[double-underlined]] 32,100 | 1,263 [[/double-underlined]] [[/table]]

*Includes appropriation of $103,781 plus pay supplemental of $4,000 for the October pay increase, less $17 appropriation recision for office furniture.