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[[underlined]] Quadrangle Development [[/underlined]]

The Secretary outlined in the following report, which had been distributed to the Regents in advance.
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[[underlined]]Planning Update. [[/underlined]] The General Service Administration has negotiated a contract with Sheply, Bulfinch, Richardson & Abbott to complete the design project; award is pending.  This contract, valued at approximately $2 million, will provide working drawings by late 1981.  Approximately $200,000 from trust funds, already approved by the Board of Regents, has been transferred to the GSA to initiate this contract.  At present, the architect/engineer, in consultation with Mr. Yoshimura, is reexamining the landscape and lightwell plans for Mr. Ripley's review in September.  Subsequently, presentation materials will be delivered in late October appropriate for Preliminary Site and Building Plan review by the National Capital Planning Commission.  In addition, a public hearing was held on the evening of June 11 at the Freer Gallery and an interagency meeting was held at the Castle on June 12, both for the purpose of determining the scope and content of a draft Environmental Impact Statement document to be circulated publicly about August 29.  A final EIS document will be developed and circulated around October 31, and the process is officially concluded 30 days later.  Those portions of the EIS dealing with historic preservation as aesthetic impact will form the basis of the Institution's presentation to the Joint Committee on Landmarks for the District of Columbia in late September, and the completed EIS document is a prerequisite to National Capital Planning Commission review and approval proceedings scheduled for December 4.

Following the December design review, the next design step is development of tentative drawings which graphically portray all of the major design decisions concerning the project and which form the basis for the preparation of the working drawings, Tentative drawings would be