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Present plans call for development of a tentative design by March 1981, in time for use at construction authorization hearings and at FY 1982 appropriation hearings.

The National Zoological Park redevelopment program is projected to be complete by the end of FY 1986. The Aquatic Habitat exhibit, the last major project, is in the planning stage of design which is scheduled to be completed by August 1981. An amount of $6,000,000 is included in the FY 1982 OMB request for construction to begin, and an amount of $3,300,000 will be requested in FY 1983 to complete this project. In addition, about $13,730,000 will be requested between FY 1983 and FY 1986, including Holt House renovation, entranceway and walk exhibits, and the second phase of the parking garage. At the Front Royal Conservation Center, about $120,000 was recently committed for development of a plan for rehabilitation and improvements over future years. This document is expected to be available for review late next spring.

In summary, in fiscal years 1982 through 1986 the Institution will emphasize repair and upgrading of existing buildings with special attention to completing major projects. It is presently estimated that restoration and renovation work will require about $52,800,000 over this period.