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authors or author teams working in conjunction with the Smithsonian Exposition Books editorial and picture research staff rather than "magazine style" books, and 3) co-publishing or licensing sales rights to books with appropriate SI subject matter. 


Both experience since 1976 and the Schiffrin recommendations indicate needs for closer ties between the Smithsonian Institution Press and Smithsonian Exposition Books. The Assistant Secretary for Public Service is accomplishing this by initially merging the business and marketing activities of the two entities, with the ultimate objective of integrating editorial staffs as well. The Smithsonian Publishing Council will remain as essentially an Editorial Board for both units. 

At Smithsonian Exposition Books' request, the Accounting Office has recommended a revision of line items on the 1981 budget and the creation of more specific account coding for expenditures on individual books. The Accounting Office is also submitting recommendations for a new system of amortizing development and pre-press charges on new books, which will result in an improved cash position and greater flexibility for promoting backlist and subsidiary rights sales. 

Schiffrin Panel Report on Book Publishing

In March a panel of publishing professionals under the direction of André Schiffrin reviewed the Smithsonian's book publishing efforts and produced several suggestions for the future. The panel was made up of Frank B. Golley, National Science Foundation, Smithsonian Council; Irving Goodman, The Viking Press; Morton L. Levin, McGraw-Hill Book Company; Anthony M. Schultz, Random