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-83- OM 724 (rev) -2- 7/1/80 d. Requests for cosponsored events will be sent to the Director, Office of Special Events (CSE), who will coordinated the request with the appropriate building director and, as appropriate, with the Facilities Committee. Use of Smithsonian facilities for cosponsored events normally will be approved only when the building director determines that the enclosed guidelines are fully met. All questionable situations will be referred to the Facilities Committee. e. The Facilities Committee will consist of the Assistant Secretary for Administration as Chairman, the Executive Assistant to The Secretary, and the Coordinator of Public Information. The Director, OSE, will serve as Secretary to the Committee. f. All applicants must complete and submit a form SI-600, "Application for Facilities for Special Events, to the appropriate building director at least [[underlined]]four week in advance of the planned event [[/underlined]] to provide a standard means for requesting facilities and to fulfill scheduling and recordkeeping requirements. In addition, the Smithsonian cosponsored events, the cosponsoring Smithsonian unit must accompany its SI-600 with a written justification on form SI-724, "Questionaire for Cosponsored Events." g. Outside organizations, in conjunction with cosponsored events, will be charged a standard fee for the use of Smithsonian facilities and will be charged at prescribed rates for all direct, event-related costs. Smithsonian units are not required to pay a service charge but are required to reimburse Smithsonian support units for all direct, event-related costs, except for routine building service staff support provided during normal working hours. h. Events sponsored by outside organizations, other than those which are cosponsored by the Smithsonian (see section A.1.c. of the enclosed guidelines), will not be authorized. [signature] Phillip S. Hughes Acting Secretary Enclosure Retention: Indefinate Cancellation: OM 724 (rev) dated 8/5/75, and all current related amendments are cancelled. Filing instructions: File this revised OM in numerical sequence with other current Office Memoranda.