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-84- CM 724 (rev) 7/1/80 GUIDELINES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS A. USE OF FACILITIES. 1. TYPES OF EVENTS. Use of Smithsonian facilities may be authorized for the following types of events: a. [[underlined]]Smithsonian-sponsored events[[/underlined]] which present Smithsonian activities to the public. Some examples are formal and informal presentation ceremonies, exhibit openings, lectures, dinners, luncheons, classes, workshops, etc. b. [[underlined]]Internal events[[/underlined]] which are either nonpublic or attended largely by Smithsonian staff and their close associates. Some examples are advisory board meetings, staff events, award ceremonies, etc. c. [[underlined]]events which are cosponsored by Smithsonian or held in cooperation or conjunction with an outside organization[[/underlined]] and involve public use of Smithsonian facilities with official participation by Smithsonian staff and units it is the policy [[right margin]] [[image: arrow pointing at "policy"]] [[/margin]] of the Institution not to make its facilities available to outside organizations for purposes not directly related to Smithsonian interests. There are occasions, however, when it may be appropriate for the Institution to cosponsor an event or hold an event in cooperation or conjunction with an outside organization. In all such instances, a direct connection between the organization, the purpose of the event, and the Smithsonian's interests must exist. Given the diversity of the potential events and potential cosponsors, a recitation of precise criteria is not practical for determining when cosponsorship is appropriate. A Smithsonian bureau or office desiring to cosponsor such an event should a company's space request, form SI-600, with a written justification for the use of the facility outlining the benefit, common interest or pertinence to the Smithsonian, and the degree of substantive participation planned by the cosponsoring Smithsonian unit. The required information should be entered on form SI-724, "Questionnaire for Cosponsored Events." Some examples of permissible events are conferences, presentations, lectures, symposia, etc., where the purpose is informational and educational and the subject matter is demonstrably related to the Smithsonian's missions or functional interests. Form SI-724 must be completed by the cosponsoring Smithsonian unit and reviewed and approved by the appropriate building director. If approved, it should be submitted to the Director, Office of Special Events (OSC), at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the anticipated event. Concurrence by OSC will be expressed when a direct interest is evidenced in the responses provided by the Smithsonian Institution applicant informed SI-724. Disputed events will be referred to the Facilities Committee described elsewhere, for final approval or disapproval. However, an event will not be approved when it's primary purpose is: -social -fundraising other than for the Smithsonian Institution -of a partisan political nature [[margin]] [[image: arrow pointing at the end of the paragraph]]