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CM 724 (rev)     

[[margin]] [[Image: arrow pointing at first line of paragraph]] [[/margin]] If an event is approved, the Smithsonian bureau or office and the event coordinator involved will be expected to consult with the outside cosponsoring organization on every phase of the event including the program, invitation list, funding, and other arrangements; and shall have the final approval and ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the event. The Smithsonian's approval of arrangements also shall apply when public relations firms represent the outside organization.

d.  [[underlined]] Outside organization events [[/underlined]], other than cosponsored events described in section c above, will not be authorized.
[[margin]] [[Image: arrow pointing at last line of section]] [[/margin]]


a. [[underlined]] Authority. [[/underlined]]  Smithsonian Institution building regulations govern many applicable aspects of special events and are based on the following statutes but and regulations:

.  20 USC 41
.  40 USC 193 (n)-(w)
.  36 CFR 504

b. [[underlined]] Restrictions on use. [[/underlined]]  Facilities shall not be made available for:

.  the promotion of organizations or of commercial enterprises, products, or commodities

.  groups planning to charge admission (other than a preadvertised fee for Smithsonian events), make collections, seek contributions, or sell articles

[[margin]] [[image: two arrows pointing at the two lines of this item]] [[/margin]] .  outside group events which are social, political, or promotional in nature or which seek to charge admission or raise funds

[[underlined]] Exception. [[/underlined]]  Under special circumstances explained in advance and in writing, The Secretary or his designee(s) may waive the authorizations and suspensions concerning the use of Smithsonian buildings and grounds.

c.  [[underlined]] Safety and protection. [[/underlined]]  Each special event requires adequate safety and protection.  In all instances, the Office of Protection Services (OPS), in consultation with the building director, will determine how many guards or other staff will be necessary to maintain an adequate level of security.  OPS also may require the sponsor to take specific safety measures relating to the event.

d.  [[underlined]] Occupancy limits [[/underlined]] must not be exceeded.  Applicable fire and other regulations do not permit variations from established occupancy limits.  The enclosed exhibit A provides established occupancy limits for various Smithsonian facilities.  Occupancy limits for those areas not listed in exhibit A may be obtained [[margin]] [[image: arrow pointing to last line]] [[/margin]] from OPS.