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OM 724 (rev)

Funds received from facility use charges must be restricted to purposes consistent with the funds which provided the reimbursable service.  [[symbol- arrows in right margin one up and left and one down and left]]


a. [[underlined]] Smithsonian-sponsored and internal events. [[/underlined]] Officials authorized to approve the use of facilities for Smithsonian-sponsored events and internal events are the Executive Assistant to The Secretary for the Smithsonian Institution Building, the Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs for the Arts and Industries Building, and the building directors (as indicated in exhibit B) for areas under their jurisdiction.

b. [[underlined]] Cosponsored events. [[/underlined]] Requests (forms SI-600 and SI-724) for [[symbol in right margin - arrow up and left]]cosponsored events will be sent by the recipient to the Director, Office of Special Events (OSE), who will coordinate the request with the appropriate building director and, where appropriate, the Facilities Committee.  The Director, OSE, will coordinate the request with all concerned and will respond within five working days to the building director. In the majority of cases, the Director, OSE, and the building director will be able to resolve the matter.  However, where there is a question of interpretation of the guidelines or a disagreement among the parties concerned, the Facilities Committee will make the final decision. [[symbol in right margin - arrow down and left]]

7. SUBMITTING REQUESTS. All applicants must complete and submit a form SI-600, "Application for Facilities for Special Events,| to the appropriate building director at least four weeks in advance of the planned event.  Form SI-600 must be submitted for each special event.  Smithsonian applicants may telephone initial requests to the building director and receive tentative approval, but confirmation will be contingent upon immediately filing an SI-600.

    In addition, for [[underlined]] Smithsonian cosponsored events, [[/underlined]] the cosponsoring [[symbol in right margin - arrow up and left]] Smithsonian unit must accompany its SI-600 with a written justification on form SI-724, "Questionnaire for Cosponsored Events" (see the enclosed exhibit C).  SI-724 must be reviewed and tentatively approved by the appropriate building director and then submitted to the Director, OSE, at least four weeks prior to the anticipated event. [[symbol in right margin - arrow down and left]]