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OM 724 (rev)       

[[arrow in right margin pointing left]]
b.  [[underlined]] Events involving the Regents or The Secretary. [[/underlined]]  In the case of events for which invitations are issued in the name of the Regents and/or The Secretary is expected to attend, the event coordinator must submit to the Office of Special Events, in advance of any commitment, the list of proposed invitees, the form of the invitation, and the competitive menus and bids as they are received, and other appropriate administrative details.  [[arrow in right margin pointing left]]

3.  RESPONSIBILITIES.  This section covers some of the responsibilities in coordinating and executing a special event.

a.  [[underlined]] The Office of Special Events: [[/underlined]] 

.  coordinates approval of cosponsored special events as indicated in section 1b above [[arrow in right margin pointing left]]

.  coordinates all tentatively approved events for scheduling on the master calendar as indicated in section 4 below

.  keeps a record of all special events, whether approved or disapproved

.  supports approved events as agreed by the event coordinator

.  verifies receipt of items it orders

.  certifies applicable suppliers' bills and forwards those incurred by outside organizations to their treasurer for payment

b.  [[underlined]] Building directors: [[/underlined]]
.  are authorized to approve or disapprove Smithsonian-sponsored and internal events as indicated in section 1a above

.  act in cooperation with OSE and the Facilities Committee on requests for cosponsored events [[ arrow in right margin pointing left]]

.  distribute copies of SI-600 to OSE and the event coordinator [[arrow in right margin pointing left]]

.  designate event coordinators

c.  [[underlined]] Event coordinators: [[/underlined]]
.  coordinate, arrange, and supervise completion of event requirements, including on-scene direction of event requirements, including on-scene direction of the event if necessary

.  maintain contact with the applicant, Smithsonian support units, Office of Special Events, etc.