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[[underlined]] Other Major Construction Projects [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Arts and Industries Building Exterior Repairs [[/underlined]]

An architectural engineering services contract is in progress for the study and design of the remaining repairs required for the roof and exterior of the Arts and Industries Building. The study is nearing completion, and the preparation of detailed plans, specifications and construction cost estimates will follow. An amount of $1.0 million is included in the FY 1981 budget request for the next construction phase, which will focus on continuation of the roof replacement.

[[underlined]] Chesapeake Bay Center [[/underlined]]

Construction of a maintenance building at the Chesapeake Bay Center is progressing and scheduled for completion by November 1980. Design is complete for an improved water supply and distribution system at the Center, and an amount of $250,000 is included in the FY 1981 budget request for construction.

[[underlined]] Hirshhorn Garden Improvements for the Disabled [[/underlined]]

The first phase of work to provide access for the disabled to the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden is nearing completion and provides ramp access to the north, intermediate level of the Garden. A contract in the amount of approximately $232,000 has been awarded and construction is underway to provide access to the lower level; this portion of the project is scheduled for completion during December 1980. An amount of $100,000 is included in the FY 1981 budget request to complete the project, and the major element of this last phase involves resurfacing the Garden with a more suitable material for handicapped mobility.