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This section coves plans, changes in activities, and resource estimates for selected auxiliary, or revenue-producing activities conducted under the auspices of the Business Management Office, including the Museum Shops, Mail Order Division, Concessions, Parking, and the Belmont Conference Center.  It does not include the revenue producing activities of the Division of Performing Arts, Smithsonian Press, Traveling Exhibition Service, and the Exposition Book program.  These activities are presented in appropriate chapters and tables corresponding to the organization of the Institution and the FY 1982 budget Submission to Congress.

The operations described in this section, like the Institution's associates programs, represent an effort to offer the public a diverse range of services, adding to the pleasure derived from the exhibition and educational experiences available to the visitor.

[[underlined]] Current Resources and Support [[/underlined]]

FY 1980 estimates indicate that these trust-funded operations will have revenues totaling approximately $17,600,000 and 184 employees.  As a group they are expected to generate approximately $2,700,000 in unrestricted net income for the Institution in FY 1980 after cost of sales, payroll, and other operating expenses.  Unrestricted income and expenses estimated for FY 1980 are summarized below:

[[table, 3 columns]]
 | [[underlined]] 1980 Full-Time Employment | Projected FY 1980 Unrestricted Funds ($000) [[/underlined]]
Business Management Office |  | $ -
Museum Shops |   | 8,400
Mail Order Division |   | 6,460
Concessions |   | 1,450
Parking |   | 963
Belmont |   | [[underlined]] 358 [[/underlined]]
Total |  | $17,631

Business Management Office  | 3 | 152
Museum Shops | 123 | 7,750
Mail Order Division | 29 | 6,100
Concessions | 2 | 150
Parking | 19 | 363
Belmont | [[underlined]] 8 | 420 [[/underlined]]
Total | 184 | $14,935

Net Gain |   | $ 2,696 [[/table]]