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the magazine, Exposition Books, and the Press may be sufficient to offset the remaining impact of this salary increase. Projections for FY 1981 (Schedule D) have not been made to reflect either the added salary costs or anticipated revenues, due to insufficient data at this time. 

Two major restricted gifts have been received or pledged since the beginning of FY 1981, of approximately $300,000 each. One, from Mr. Thomas M. Evans, is for construction of a special exhibitions gallery in the Museum of Natural History, which will be completed next April for a major exhibit of Korean Art. The other, a matching grant from an anonymous donor, will assist the Hirshhorn Museum in raising funds for the Hirshhorn Circle of the James Smithson Society. With results available for only two months of the fiscal year, the only change being made at this time to projections for FY 1981 restricted funds is to reflect the estimated payment of $1.2 million to the Harbor Branch Foundation from Endowment Fund #3; this payment, reflecting reimbursements for operation of the submersible program at Fort Pierce, as discussed at the September meeting, will be made as soon as a final order is received from the court.

At the September meeting, the Board authorized purchase of a 20-acre tract of land abutting the Chesapeake Bay Center for Environmental Studies, at a cost not to exceed $90,000, payable from budgeted allotment of $300,000 this year for such land acquisition. A purchase contract has been signed on this property, and total cost, including fees, will be approximately $76,000.

[[underlined]] FY 1982 - Estimates (Schedule E) [[/underlined]]

-- [[underlined]] Federal Appropriations [[/underlined]] : The OMB allowance for fiscal year 1982 compared to the amounts requested and appropriations received in fiscal year 1981 are reflected in the following chart: