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[[heading]] ($000). Draft Five-Year Prospectus (September 22, 1980). Five Year Prospectus (January 26, 1981). [[/heading]]

[[subheading]] FY 1982. FY 1986. FY 1982. FY 1986. [[/subheading]]

Federal S$E. 142,580. 176,733. 130,916. 176,733.
R&R. 9,650. 12,450. 9,650. 12,450.
Construction. 30,135. 16,500. 30,135. 16,500.
Cumulative effect of pay supplementals. 11,000. 39,000. 11,000. 39,000.
Subtotal. 193,365. 244,683. 181,701. 244,683.

Trust Funds (Gross Applied).
Unrestricted. 89,755. 122,759. 89,755. 122,759.
Restricted. 4,643. 5,211. 4,643. 5,211.
Subtotal. 94,398. 127,970. 94,398. 127,970.

Federal grants and contracts. 17,281. 16,645. 17,281. 16,645.
Total. 305,044. 389,298. 293,380. 389,298.

Federal Salaries and Expenses (S&E)
The draft Prospectus submitted last September contained the Institution's requested FY 1982 federal S&E budget to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Institution was seeking an S&E budget allowance of $142,580,000. Since then, the OMB has approved an amount of $130,916,000. The reduction of $11,664,000 consisted largely of funds for collections acquisitions ($10,320,000) and the one-time purchase of photocopy equipment ($458,000). The balance of the reduction ($886,000) consisted of small amounts contained in several organizations, and was directed to lesser priority aspects of the Institution's exhibition and education activities. In order to keep these various requirements visible, the Prospectus will be altered to reflect the possibility of their being sought again in FY 1983.