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development will include the following members and former members of the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates:

William S. Anderson, Chairman
Joe L. Albritton
Nicholas F. Brady
E. Mandell de Windt
Gaylord Donnelley
James A. Elkins, Jr.
Gordon Hanes
John F. Harrigan
Richard D. Hill
Carla Anderson Hills
Samuel C. Johnson
James M. Kemper, Jr.
Seymour H. Knox III
George C. McGhee
H. Smith Richardson, Jr.
David E. Skinner
Roger B. Smith
Parke Wright

Mr. Anderson has asked the assistance of Mr. Rawleigh Warner, Mobil Chairman, in organizing a gift from the Aramco companies to match a proposed major contribution from Saudi Arabia.

A gift of $1 million from the Korean Traders Association is expected in the very near future.

A committee for the support of the Museum of African Art is to be organized early in the year. Preliminary discussions indicate a strategy of a close relationship between the African nations and U. S. corporations with major interests in each nation.

[[underlined]]Legislation and Funding[[/underlined]]. The additional FY 1981 appropriation for the Museum Support Center adversely affected the Quadrangle request of $500,000, and necessitates continuing design activities using trust funds ($1 million) approved by the Board in September. The Institution's budget request to