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[[underline]] Establishment [[/underline]]

Public Law 87-443, April 27, 1962, provided for the establishment of the National Portrait Gallery as a bureau in the Smithsonian Institution and for the creation of the National Portrait Gallery Commission. The statute states that the number, manner of appointment, and tenure of the members of the Commission, and the rules and regulations for the conduct of the affairs of the Commission, shall be such as the Board of Regents may from time to time prescribe.


[[underline]] Functions, Powers, and Duties [[/underline]]

Section I. The National Portrait Gallery Commission shall have the primary functions of promoting the administration, development, and utilization of the National Portrait Gallery, including the acquisition of material of high quality representing men and women who have made significant contributions to the history, development, and culture of the people of the United States and of the artists who created such portraiture and statuary.

Section 2. As a group and as individual members, the Commissioners shall be responsible for encouraging gifts of funds, portraits, statuary, and other items, for preservation, exhibition, or study, which would enhance the value and significance of the Gallery to the people of the United States. The criteria for acquisition of any such item may be its general historic interest, its artistic merit, or the historical significance of the individual to which it relates, or any combination of such factors. Period furniture and other items to enhance the display of portraiture and statuary, as well as archival material necessary for iconographical, biographical, and historical study, may also be acquired. The Commission shall review proposed accessions and dispositions of works of art and make recommendations thereon to the Secretary of the Institution for his approval in accord with policies and procedures laid down by the Board of Regents.

Section 3. The Commission shall submit an annual report to the Secretary at the conclusion of each fiscal year, including such recommendations as deemed appropriate.


[[underline]] Membership [[/underline]]

Section 1. The Commission shall be composed of the Chief Justice of the United States, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who may be represented by the Assistant Secretary for History and Art, and the Director of the National Gallery of Art, as members ex officio; and up to twelve appointive members.