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Section 2.  The appointive members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Board of Regents, from nominees presented by the Commission and the Secretary of the Institution, for terms of six years, and shall be eligible for reappointment.

Section 3.  Notwithstanding the expiration of the term of office provided by this section for any member of the Commission, such member shall continue to serve as such until his successor has been appointed, and any successor chosen to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of such term shall serve for the remainder of such term.

Section 4.  No Commissioner shall receive any compensation for his services as a member of the Commission or of any Committee, but necessary travelling or other expenses incurred by any Commissioner in attendance at meetings or in connection with the transaction of the business of the Commission may be reimbursed.


[[underlined]] Officers of the Commission [[/underlined]]

Section 1.  There shall be a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman of the Commission who shall be appointed annually by the Board of Regents from members nominated by the Commission and the Secretary of the Institution, and who shall serve until their successors are appointed.

Section 2.  The Chairman shall preside at all meetings and shall have the usual powers of a presiding officer.

Section 3.  The Chairman shall be ex officio a member of all committees of the Commission.

Section 4.  In the absence or disability of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman of the Commission shall perform the Chairman's duties.

Section 5.  The Director of the Gallery shall serve as non-voting Secretary to the Commission.


[[underlined]] Meetings of the Commission [[/underlined]]

Section 1.  The Commission shall hold two regular meetings each year, and such special meetings as shall be called in accordance with the following procedure:

a.  By the Director of the Gallery by notice served personally upon or mailed to the usual address of each member not less than fourteen days prior to the meeting.

b.  By the Chairman, in the same manner, upon the written request of three or more members of the Commission.