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Section 2. A majority of members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority of the Commission members present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the Commission.

Section 3. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Commission may be taken without a meeting if prior to such action notice of the proposed action is mailed, telegraphed, or telephoned to all members of the Commission and a written consent thereto is signed by a majority of the members of the Commission and such written consent is filled with the records of the proceedings of the Commission.

Section 4. Following each Commission meeting, minutes shall be circulated to members, with the request that corrections or approval of the minutes be submitted at the next meeting of the Commission.


[[underline]] Committees [[/underline]]

Section 1. The Standing Committees of the Commission are the Executive Committee and the Committee on Collections.

Section 2. a. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Commission, the Vice-Chairman, two elected members of the Commission, and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, who may be represented by the Assistant Secretary for History and Art. The Chairman of the Commission shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

b. With respect to any matter on which the members find that action should not be deferred, the Executive Committee may, by vote of at least three members, exercise all of the powers of the Commission during the intervals between meetings of the Commission.

c. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chairman and held at such times and places as may be fixed by him. Notice of such meetings shall be communicated by mail, telegram, or telephone to all members thereof at least three days in advance of the meeting. The Committee shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and a report shall be sent to all member of the Commission.

Section 3. a. The Committee on Collections shall consist of the Chairman of the Commission and four members of the Commission who shall be elected annually by the Commission.

b. In accordance with such policies as from time to time may be adopted by the Board of Regents, the Committee on Collections shall recommend to the Commission general policies regarding the growth, composition and management of the Gallery's collections.

c. Except for accessions which may be made by the Director under (d.) below, the Committee shall consider the acquisition of all works of art for the collections, and the disposition of works of art by sale, gift, exchange, or otherwise, and make recommendations thereon to the Commission. Between meetings of the Commission, the Committee shall have full authority to recommend to the