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2. To plan and pursue the development of the Quadrangle (the area bounded by the Smithsonian Institution Building, the Freer Gallery of Art, the Arts and Industries Building, and Independence Avenue) to accommodate primarily the Museum of African Art and additional space for the exhibition of Eastern Art. | Federal Appropriations, Nonappropriated Unrestricted Trust Funds, and Private Donations

3. To complete the Master Plan for the development of new animal and public facilities at the Zoological Park in Rock Creek Valley, and to improve the research, conservation, and visitor education facilities at the Zoo's Research and Conservation Center at Front Royal, Virginia. | Federal Appropriations

4. To repair, upgrade, and restore Smithsonian buildings to keep them in safe and functional condition with special emphasis on the provision of fire detection, containment, and suppression systems and access by handicapped persons. | Federal Appropriations

5. To provide new and renovated facilities and Smithsonian's Washington, D.C. and field locations for purposes and facilitating research and educational programs | Federal Appropriations [[/table]]

For the most part, the effects of inflation cannot be incorporated realistically into the Institution's resource forecasts for bureau and program operations. Summary Table 1, however, attempts to show the general levels of resources that would materialize assuming legislated pay changes are forthcoming in the range of 7 or 8 percent per year and assuming federal nonpersonnel purchases occur based on price changes for future years as derived from indices supplied by the Office Management and Budget. Similar patterns are incorporated for trust projections. By FY 1986, resources from all sources required for various operations would increase from present FY 1980 levels of approximately $205,000,000 to $364,000,000.

Exclusive of legislated pay increases, federal salaries and expenses are projected to increase approximately $75,000,000. Significant additions are forecasted for such items as utility costs, necessary pay increases, inflation in nonpay areas, equipping and operating the Museum Support Center, establishment of the Major Collections Fund, strengthening the Native American training, exhibition, and collection activities, basic and interpretive research utilizing the collections and scientific and cultural information, improvement to technical and administrative support, and for physical plant operations and maintenance.

Trust operations and expenses are expected to increase by approximately  $47,000,000. These increases involve particularly the unrestricted trust funded publications, including the Magazine and the Exposition Books Program, where production expenses are predicted to increase considerably. Detailed forecasting of federal grant and contract activities is difficult to achieve,