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The A/E firm presented a model of a refined concept to the Commission of Fine Arts on April 8, 1980, and received concept approval. Concurrently, the firm of E. Verner Johnson & Associates was recalled to revise and update a detailed program of requirements and the firm of EDAW, Inc. was selected to prepare and circulate for public review an Environmental Impact Statement. At present, the General Services Administration is negotiating a phased contract with Shepley, Bulfinch for the complete design project. This project, valued at approximately $2,000,000, would provide working drawings and appropriate contract documents by December 1981. Conceptual design plans were presented for approval to the National Capitol Planning Commission on January 8, 1981, and were approved. The Environmental Impact Statement process is complete, and the project has been presented to the Joint Committee of Landmarks for the District of Columbia.

Quadrangle funding requirements ($49,110,000) for design and construction are proposed to be shared equally between federal appropriations and nonappropriated trust fund sources. By FY 1980, approximately $3,255,000 of trust funds had been reserved for this project (including a $1,000,000 contribution from the Government of Japan) from which about $800,000 has been obligated for planning and design. It is anticipated that an additional $1,000,000 of trust funds will be used in FY 1981 to continue design work. The Institution expects to request from Congress about $24,135,000 in FY 1982 for construction, and that about $22,928,000 also will be available from trust funds and contributions at this same time.

It is tentatively estimated that the proposed Quadrangle facilities will necessitate the following program and operating increases over and above support available prior to construction. These projections are not included elsewhere in this Prospectus as they are very preliminary estimates only.

The Freer Gallery/Eastern Art, the Museum of African Art, and the Rare Book Library expect to need additionally about $2,100,000, including around 20 new positions, for support of programs increased by the Quadrangle project buildings. Most of these new resources will be concentrated in exhibition, education, and conservation efforts. No increase in staff and related costs for the Associate and Education Center and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service is expected to result from occupancy of new facilities, and the parking garage is planned to be self-supporting.

Building operations may amount to about $3,400,000 for service, maintenance, repairs, protection, and utilities, including approximately 80 new positions to support 24-hour, seven-day-a-week activities.

This preliminary estimate of $5,500,000 for program and building requirements does not include one-time expenses associated with initial occupancy and opening of these buildings to the public. These items including moving costs, operating equipment, exhibit furnishings and initial installations, supplies and materials, and other needs are to be developed later in the planning process.