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$4,635,000 is anticipated for this planning period, of which about $3,500,000 will be required for the Museums of Natural History and American History. Other major fire protection projects planned for the next five years include the installation of additional smoke detectors in the Smithsonian Institution Building, the installation of sprinkler systems at the Chesapeake Bay Center and the Freer Gallery, the design and implementation of a fire protection system for Barro Colorado Island in Panama, and upgrading of smoke detectors and sprinklers in the Arts and Industries building.

[[underlined]] Utility Systems Repairs and Improvements [[/underlined]] Upgrading the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment and controls in Smithsonian facilities will contribute, more than any other factor, to the reduction of energy consumption. The HVAC systems in most buildings were designed with neither the goals of current energy standards nor the advantages of technologies that are now available. Major improvements are required, as well as minor maintenance and repairs to achieve energy efficiency, to ensure reliability or existing systems, and to maintain environmental conditions necessary for the protection of the collection. Equipment requiring upgrading or replacement includes such items as air handlers, chillers, pumps, coils, fans, compressors, cooling towers, electronic controls and exhaust and filtration systems. This category of work also includes associated electrical and plumbing repairs and improvements.

In FY 1981, the first construction phase of the Freer Gallery HVAC system renovation will begin, and comprehensive studies and designs will be initiated to prepare for similar renovation projects at the Museum of American History, the Museum of Natural History, and the American Art/Portrait Gallery Building. Major renovations of deteriorated electrical wiring at the Freer Gallery and the Smithsonian buildings also are planned. At this time, it is anticipated that these and other utility systems repairs and improvements will cost approximately $12,435,000 between FY 1982 and FY 1986.

[[underlined]] Access for the Disabled, Safety and Security, and Correction of Hazardous Conditions. [[/underlined]] Most Smithsonian facilities require additional modifications to meet recently updated standards for disabled person access. Projects currently underway include the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden renovation scheduled for completion in FY 1981, restroom modifications at both the Renwick Gallery and the American Art/Portrait Gallery building, and the installation of an elevator at the Portrait Gallery. A conceptual plan for improving entrance access at the Freer Gallery was completed in FY 1980, and a similar study for the original Smithsonian building has been completed. Additional projects to improve access for the disabled will be accomplished during the planning period.

The elimination of exposed asbestos insulation located in several buildings continues to be a Smithsonian high priority. An amount of $250,000 is included in the FY 1981 budget to accelerate work already begun by the Institution's maintenance staff, and approximately $1,400,000 will be applied toward the correction of this problem between FY 1982 and FY 1986.