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[[encircled 71 in blue ink]]. PLA. 30
[[double line frame around drawings]]

Plan de laffut ferre de 4 de nouvelle construction 1766
[[image: shows armored (iron sheets) cladding the wooden gun carriage frame laid out on page 99]]

Plaque de frottement
[[image: long piece of iron, friction plate for bottom of frame]]

Seau le méme pour les trois calibres
[[image: cage-like object with a detachable lid (bucket?)]]

Plan du seau
[[image: top view (?) of round object (?bucket)]]

Ferrure de levier
[[image: lever fittings]]

Epaulement dessieu
[[image: axel shoulder]]

[[im: linch pin with dimensions]]

[[image: front and side view of round object with a hook at the bottom]], with dimensions]]

Visse a pointer
[[image: four-handled turning handwheel with square opening]]

Ecroue a pivot de la visse a pointer
[[image: top and side view of sn object beside a turning screw with handle]]

Levier fevré
[[image: top and side view of long wooden shaft with iron loop on one end, tenon on other end, 5.6 long 1.8 wide]]

[[unlabeled image: iron plate with two square bolt holes and on round hole, dimension 7.6]]

[[image: scale at bottom of page marked of into three numbered segments 1, 2, 3, pied, first segment divided into twelfths; labled: Echelle de 15 lignes pour pied]]

Transcription Notes:
mandc: more detail drawings for the gun carriage laid out on page 99.