Viewing page 121 of 230

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[[encircled 86]]
[[drawings showing various knots]]

Noeud simple allemand
[[image: German simple figure 8 knot]]

Noeud allemand pour coeffer la chevre
[[image: knot]]

Noeud de tisserand
[[image: weaver's knot]]

Noeud droit
[[image: square knot]]

Noeud de battelier
[[image: knot]]

Noeud dartifiuer commence
[[image: knot]]

Noeud dartifiner
[[image: knot]]

Noeud de galere
[[image: knot]]

Noeud dembrelage
[[image: line tied to post with numerous loops

Transcription Notes:
mandc: "Noeud de battelier" (bowler's knot) might be "batelier" (boatman's knot).