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the letters with which I was furnished. The new Governor, Admiral Fenghelm, was expected, but it was not known precisely when he would arrive. In the meantime awaiting his arrival, I procured quarters and tried to obtain all possible information about the country which I was to explore.

It may not be unnecessary to mention that the country at D'Castries and all the way to the Amoor is very sterile, generally swampy, with low hills covered with a growth of Jamarae or Hasnietar timber,suitable for building purposes.

The Amoor valley from Marinsk to Nicolaersk, on the contrary, has a fine appearance, the interval lands extending in places for many versts on each side,grass growing luxuriantly and abundantly,immense quantities of cattle can be raised and grain and vegetables probably grown to advantage.

The principal population at present is Gilzaks, who live in villages containing from five to twenty houses. A very few of them have adopted the Russian religion, but as a general thing they are not Christians, having some very strange superstitions and customs among them.  Their houses are large, containing one room, the door in one corner diagonally opposite. On each side of the door is a fire-place. The sleeping arrangements on a bench, a settee 6 or 8 feet wide, a couple of feet above the floor, which is of clay and extending entirely around the room, the smoke from the fire passing underneath them to the chimney and keeping