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house and large stable, with other outbuildings for laborers to accommodate 28 or 30 men, but we found the place deserted.  On inquiring from a couple of servants that were left in charge, found that Capt. Lindholm's partners had a mouth or so before, and while he was in Nicolaevsk, rented the Whaling Establishment of Russian American Company at Muagar, that Company having abandoned their business, and moved down there with all the men and effects.  We had relied upon getting a fresh supply of provisions and necessaries here, and felt a good disappointment at not finding them.

Fortunately there were some Yekack families living 6 or 7 versts higher up the river--late employees of the R. A. Co., and who were waiting until the winter road had formed, when they intended going to Nicolaevsk with their dogs, and there permanently reside.

From these people I procured some beef, nothing else to be had.  We bought some warm clothing from them which we needed and paid them most enormous prices, four or five times as much as similar articles east in Okhotsk.

The Stavasto of the Turgase lived here, and a couple of Aian Turguse have arrived that day with a few deer hunting.  And from these three I was enabled to procude a change of deer to carry us to Ondskoi, or rather Algasee at the mouth of the Onda river.  Laid over one day and proceeded, going along Turguse some ten or fifteen versts and then striking to the northward and to the Melmaseer river, where we crossed