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nearly to the head of the Gerarn it rained from a few inches to a food in depth. Croping the Juggar range to the Mankar, it was from 2 to 3 feet in depth, except on the summit, where it was blown off by the wind. [[?]] croped down on the west side to the Juggar to the Mimakam the snow was 3 ft. deep but soft, so that the deer could easily rach the map, and thre had been evidently lefs rain in the fall on that side of the mountains than on the east, as there was no ice under the snow, as was frequently the case on the east side, interfering sadly with the deer in feeding. As a general thing the depth of snow between the Gerarm and Aian was 2 ft. except near the head of streams and croping the head of the divides, where it measured 3 ft. and in a few instances 4 ft.  Between Aian and S. Okhotsk it would probably average 2 1/2 feet, but soft so that deer had no trouble in feeding.


Between the Imoor rier and Ondyskovit is an ofen question whetehr to build the line over the route as I have explored it, or to go up the Angnn river and a banch called Naimilyan, thence a short portage to Booukar on the head of the Turgue river, and crop to the head of the Minur and follow it down to the Coast. I understand there is a very short portage between these rivers, and the Angirn is quite navigable possibly for a small steamer.

The Turm and Turgene are smaller streams, it being only possible to ascend in canoes.