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of Aian there is a pretty good harbor, at the mouth of Aldenac stores can be landed also at the mouth of Ulkan and the Ulga, which is one hundred versts below Okhotsk.
            Reindeer Stations.
   Aside from transportation, for travelling over the line while in course of construction and for future explorations, reindeer must be provided and it will be necessary to have frequent changes. At present facilities for travelling from the Amoor to Okhotsk are very poor indeed, as overland it must be performed entirely on the backs of reindeer, which have to be hired from Touguse, and very few of them live on the rent as I have explored it. As they are a wandering people and there is no certainty where they can always be found, there is necessarily a great deal of delay in procuring fresh deer, their value high, and  Turguse consequently charge in proportion for their hire, and even when well paid are unwilling to let them go; without good aid it would have been almost impossible to have hired any.
     In the vicinity of Nicolaersk there are very few Turguse miserably poor,  few of them owning more than ten deer each, and deer can be bought between Aian and Okhotsk for fifteen or twenty roubles, are worth there forty and fifty.
     As supplies and fresh deer can only be relied upon at Odyskoi and Aian. One necessarily require a large