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number of deer to carry provisions, &c., and as the distance between these points is great one must necessarily travel slow to save the deer.

It will be indispensable that as soon as possible the Company establish stations and relays of deer along the route, especially at Fort Aian & between there and the Amoor.  A few stores can easily be landed at points along the Coast and small depots established for instance at Fort Aian, the Neima, Anda, Turgur and Hsulghm river and the head of Ovelle Lake.  The deer will be kept at these points in the vicinity, and under charge of a Turgose, who for rations of flour, tea, tobacco, a little powder and shot, and five or ten roubles a year will take care of them and follow our journey.

If one hundred deer were distributed over these points, communication and additional explorations would be comparatively easy.

In the spring of the year, their horses are growing, the cows are calving, they are then sickly and it is advisable to allow them to rest.  As they will have to be purchased in this vicinity on account of the difference in price, now is the best opportunity to do so and send them over the road while the travelling is good, and even those that went to the Amoor won't have time to reach it before the travelling got very bad, as it always does in the Spring.  They would then get over their sickly period and be seasoned and in good condition for the fall and winter when they will be imperatively necessary, after the water communication

Transcription Notes:
- Could "Fort" be "Port"? If so, it would be "Port Amoor" and "Port Aian" - Amoor is now spelled as "Amur" - "Hsulghm" is not capitalized in the original document - "Turgose" is "Turguse" in the original.