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for months.  They are very piously inclined, having all adopted the Rupian religion, and though very sharp at making bargains are very honest and not thievish at all.

The Okhotski tent is like an Anusk tent raised bodily from the ground and the bottom meeting on a vertical wall about 4 ft high, which wall is sustained by small sticks that are always carried with the tent. The fire is similarly in the centre, but they have two doors-one opposite the other.  It is altogether a larger and much more comfortable affair.

The Aian Tonguse inhabit the Mimakan Valley, and a short distance worth of the fastroad between Aian and Makutsk, and as well as their southern brethren speak Yekut language, having a great deal of intercourse with shore people and some of them speak Rupian.

Among the Okhotski TUrguse very few speak Yekut, but a few speak a few words of Rupian.

They have all the Mongolian countenance, high cheek bones, almond shaped eyes and tawny complexion, but do not wear the pig-tail as do the Gilzaks; some curl their hair very short, others wear it long.  They are a very hardy, enduring race, though small men, perfectly satisfied to camp out in any weather by a fire, without tent or bedding, and are very expert with snow shoes, being able to travel sometimes one hundred [[?]] a day.