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They will be useful to take care of any [[?]] reindeer, in fact are the best to use for that purpose, and when the line is finished may be useful about stations, if they can be persuaded to abandon some of their nomadic habits. In laborers they are no value.


In regards laborers for the construction of the line, the great majority can only come from Yekutsh.  They can not be procured from the Amoor as there, there is no surplus population, and the Government can not get as many men as they require for their own needs.

Between the Amoor and Tuyurski there is not one soul living either in the coast or inland.

At Tugurski there are two or three servants of Capt. Lindholm.

At Andskoi a very small population, [[?]]cifally Copacks and other sin Govt. employ.

Between Andskoi and Aian two fmailies of wandering Turguse, and at Port Aian a few employees of the Rupian American co.

Between Aian and Okhotski there are wandering Turguse

To bring laborers from American will be too expensive, as aside from the cost of bringing them over here they will require much higher pay, more expensive food and would certainly get discontent after, there would always be trouble with them.