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IN EQUITY - No. 718.
Constantine Dresler vs. Teresa Dresler.
The petition of the complainant, Constantine Dresler, having been filed on the 22nd day of June A.D. 1866, praying for a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii from the said Teresa Dresler for adultery, committed in the District of Columbia subsequent to her marriage with the said Constantine Dresler and other good causes alleged in his said petition, and it is appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that a subpoena was duly issued on the 22nd day of June, A.D. 1866, and returned non est, and it further appearing by the affidavit of a disinterested witness filed in this cause that the said defendant Teresa Dresler is a nonresident of the District of Columbia, and that she has been absent therefrom for the space of six months: It is therefore ordered, this 16th day of July, 1866,that publication of the substance and object of the complainant's petition in this cause be made once a week, for the space of six weeks, in the National Intellligencer of the city of Washington, D.C., prior to the first TUESDAY in September next.
By order of the Court.
A true copy. Test:
R. J. Meigs, Clerk.
R. S. Davis, solicitor for petitioner.  jy17-w6w