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The Late Eruption of Mount Hood.


PORTLAND, Oregon, October 20, 1865.
Having noticed a good deal of speculation about earthquakes since the occurrence of that of the 8th instant, and having seen a suggestion that this convulsion of the earth might have has some connection with the late eruption of Mount Hood, I beg to give you the benefit of my observations on the subject.

It was on the morning of Saturday, the 23rd of September, that some soldiers on duty at Vancouver, at an early hour, probably about 5 o’clock, witnessed and eruption of smoke and flames with fragments of rock. The eruption of fire was brief, so far as observed, but may have been going one though the night previous. At about 8 o’clock the same morning, may attention was directed to a singular looking cloud that was hanging off from the top of the mountain, which five minutes’ observation convinced me was smoke from the interior of the mountain itself. It was black and dense, and puffed out at internals of about one or two minutes. Being much interested, I continued to watch the phenomenon for two hours, during which time there was first black smoke, then alternate puffs of smoke and steam, and finally steam alone. The morning had been very bright, as also the preceding day; but the weather soon changed to cloudy and rainy, thus excluding any further observations. The rain continued for nearly a week, during which the eruption may have continued without allowing any one to observe it.

The earthquake at Humboldt occurred eight days after the first breaking out of the eruption as witnessed at Vancouver.

On the morning of Saturday, October 7th, the sky being quite bright and cloudless, my attention was again drawn to the appearance of Mount Hood about 8 o’clock, when I observed that it was giving out great volumes of steam. Thinking I could not make a better use of my time for that day, I took up my post of observation, resolved to see what the grand old Titan was doing, that he needed to