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Y; OCTOBER 25, 1866.
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In this work each physician has his part to perform. He who looks upon his relations to his profession as transactions in which dollars and cents are the only points of computation, as a consideration for so much service rendered, has but a superficial view of his relationship to man and society. All these irregularities are but weapons placed in the hands of our enemies, with which to pierce us and serve as hindrances to the advancement of our common science, the honor of which, from its intrinsic truthfulness should be held as sacred and defended from perversion with as much zeal as truth with its binding force demands.
   Concert of action In all that shall add strength, honor and perfection to our cause, is to us a matter of vital importance.
   With this the victory is ours, for truth is our guiding star; the redemption of man and physical ills, the goal at which we aim; and the radiant sunshine of hope in the bliss of having aided in such a work, shall ever cheer us on, and its full fruition shall be our everlasting reward.
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The Concert Saloon Shooting Affair.--
The telegraph gave a brief account, on Tuesday morning, of a shooting affair in a concert saloon in New York, when a man named Lambert was seriously, if not fatally injured, by a man named John W. Blair. It seems that Blair was from this city, and Lambert from Cincinnati. Blair was arrested for the deed, and the following is his statement to the Coroner:
   I am 22 years of age, a native of Ohio, and a resident of Cleveland and that State; my occupation is that of a book-keeper. On Saturday night last, my friend and I stepped into Madame Bell's saloon, and called for some beer; two girls came to bring the beer, and drinks were ordered for them; I told the girl sitting beside me that she might have my beer, as I did not feel much like drinking; I had been indisposed all day; the girl drank my beer as well as her own, and immediately afterwards went away to wait on other customers; my friend and the other girl seated opposite me kept up the conversation for some time and he called for more beer; I drank a portion of the beer first and then chatted a little while, and inquired as to the whereabouts of the water-closet; they told me it was in a saloon next door; I went out, leaving my friend seated on the table; with his back towards the door, and returned a few minutes later; I asked if he was ready to go; he was talking to a female and said he would be in a minute; I stood awaiting him near a table, two men were seated at that table; a girl came down and asked me to buy some beer or treat her; I refused; I think she took hold of my arm, and I immediately changed my position, taking a seat on one side of the room, at the vacant table and nearer to my friend; after sitting down I noticed that the girl who had asked me to treat her was talking with the two men at the table, and that they were all talking together and looking sharply at me; I could not think at first what attracted their attention, but was satisfied that they were talking about me from their actions; my friend got up from the table, turned around and said that he was ready to go; I got up, and as soon as I did so the two men got up immediately and walked over towards me; they had pretty near reached me when I began to think that there might be some trouble coming, and I caught hold of my friends arm; I think I said to my friend that I thought there might be some trouble; almost immediately one of the men, saying something that I do not recollect distinctly, struck me on the side of the head; I turned partially round, staggering against the chair, and immediately I pulled out my pistol and fired two shots as fast as I could, stepping backwards as I fired; I noticed for a moment at the time my friend falling backwards amongst chairs and tables, as though he had been pushed or struck; I was much frightened, being entirely powerless physically to defend myself against an assault; I was then seized by two or three persons, one a woman, trying to wrench my pistol from me, swearing all the time and me; I was fearful if she got it that she would shoot me; the pistol was pulled from my hand as the policeman came up; the woman struck me on the head several times with the pistol; I fired the shots purely in self-defense, being fearful of life; I had no words with any one of them before; I conducted myself in the house with perfect propriety; I was not intoxicated; the man who assaulted me was a much larger man than myself; I recognize the man I shot as the man who struck me.
   Coroner Naumann concluded to hold the accused to bail in $6,000. The necessary bail not being forthcoming, Blair was committed to the Tombs to await the result.
   Lambert is 24 years of age, and was born in Cincinnati.
   Blair appeared to feel very keenly the unfortunate position in which he is placed and no one regrets more than he does the shooting of Lambert, although he positively asserts that he merely acted in self-defense, believing his life to have been in danger.
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The Concert Last Night.--The first of the series of Concerts by the Grover Troupe, at Brainard's Hall, last evening, was well attended, considering the disagreeable state of the weather. One of the longest programmes ever presented to a Cleveland audience was selected for the evening's entertainment, and it was made even longer by the persistent encores that greeted almost every piece. The troupe is composed of artists of a high order of talent and accomplishments, and the programmes are so arranged that all the artists appear during the evening. The programme last evening was made up entirely of solos, with the exception of the act from "Martha," which gave each artist an opportunity of displaying to the greatest advantage their individual accomplishments, thus allowing the audience to judge of their respective merits. The great length of the programme precludes the possibility of particularizing to any extent. Mr. Webli was as great a favorite with the audience as ever, and fully confirmed the opinion formed on his previous visits to our city, that he is without question one of the greatest pianists of the day. He introduced for the first time here his Grand fantasia from the Opera of the "Masked Ball," which was enthusiastically encored. Mad. Frederici is a fine singer, and a capital actress. She sang the "Wanderer," which we never heard attempted before accepted by a male voice, in a splendid manner, and in response to an encore sang the popular song, "Do they think of me," with English words. Theodore Habelman is a decidedly pleasing tenor, and sings with the greatest ease. He executed his portion of the entertainment to the complete acceptance of the audience. Wilhelm Formes, a brother of Karl, made his first appearance before the public of this city, and was well received. Among the vocalists of the evening, none was a greater favorite then Mr. Joseph Hermans. He has a rich and deep basso voice, and his Aria from the "Merry Wives," and "Jim Afloat," in English, were met with the most emphatic demonstrations of satisfaction. The performance closed with the second act of the opera of "Martha," in costume, with the following cast: "Nancy," Marie Frederici; "Martha," Miss Clara Lang; "Lionel," Franz Himmer; "Plunket," Wilhelm Formes; and Mr. William Grosscurth as pianist and conductor. It was very well given, and gave general satisfaction. On the principle that "half a loaf is better than no bread," we suppose that one act, from a popular Opera is better than uoue at all; but we hope the day is not far distant when we need not be obliged to put up with only a small slice of opera, for the want of a convenient place for its proper representation. The entertainment last evening, as a whole may be set down as a gratifying success. The second concert will be given this evening, when another fine selection will be given, including the Garden act of "Faust," with a splendid and powerful cast.
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Cincinnati Woman Poisoned.--Kate Richards, from Cincinnati, entered the Central Police Station, yesterday, partially intoxicated, and asked for a resting place. She was politely ushered into a sleeping apartment, where she took a dose of laudanum while the officer was conversing with another prisoner. Happening to notice the bottle thrown upon the floor, he examined it and found it was labeled "Laudanum." A physician soon arrived, and by the most strenuous exertion on the part of all, her life was saved. She is still very weak, and has not assigned any reason for the rash act. A life of dissipation and crime is doubtless the cause.
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By the Western Union
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50 Indian's Killed in Cali
[[decorative line]]
[[decorative line]]
Guerrillas on the Rio G
[[decorative line]]
National Railroad Conve
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[[decorative line]]
Effort to Indict J. W. Fo 
and Others.
[[decorative line]]
The Cabinet Rumors A
Mexico Renewed.
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[[decorative line]]
Letters from Secretary Br 
ing and Judge Chase.
[[decorative line]]
National Railroad Conventio
The National Railroad Convention,
posed of delegates from all the lines
country, commenced its sittings at [[the?]]
Nicholas Hotel to-day. The object
meeting of the Convention is to conside
proposed movement to establish a un
system of signals and regulations, and
vance the general interests of the org
tion. About fifty gentlemen, represe
All the leading lines in the United S
were present. The assemblage include
principal Presidents, Directors, Super
dents and Engineers of the various road
aggregate capital of $100,000,000 and
miles of road were represented. 
   The following resolution was unanim
Resolved, that the general object Convention is the improvement of r construction, maintenance and manage
and that no action should be taken t
to violate the railroad interests or place
a position antagonistic to other intere that no subject should be entertained
ing political, sectional or similar ex subjects.
   The attention of the Convention was
to the vast extent of country through
the lines represented passed, and it wa
gested that scientific men and able eng
should be employed. The subject w
ferred to a Committee of [[five?}}
   The Convention adjourned until to-m
     Funds for the Fenians.
   The Evening Express sends a very res
ble contribution of arms and ammu
 was sent to head quarters by the Feni
Troy to-day, who are preparing to ba 
up with a still larger donation at an
   Munitions of war arrived from severa 
parts of the State to-day.
     Telegraph Note.
   EDITORS: We have taken measures 
cure two daily reports from Londo
Liverpool, embodying all the importan
eral news and full market reports, esp
ly Of bread stuffs, provisions, &c. The [[Newfoundland?]] line is working badly [[and?]] now is our whole trouble, and even [[the]] soon be obviated. [[?]]

Mexican News.
   Advices from Mexico to the 9th, and [[?]] Cruz to the 18th have been received vi [[?]] vana.
   The Captain General has been making a personal inspection of the fortifications and barracks of Havana. He [[went?]] forenoon on a visit to Matamoros and accepted an invitation to Cordanas. [[H?]] Go to underline [[?cessor]] is expected on the 28th.
   The situation of the Empire is daily [[getting?]] worse, and it has latterly lost [[Guyana?]] Ures, Zongolica and other places of [[lesser importance?]]
   The Era announces that on the 6th [[an important?]] conference took place at [[Cha?]] [[?pee]], upon the most efficacious means [[to obtain?]] funds for the Treasury, and a [[Committee?]] was appointed to draw up a report
was accomplished.
   The Estatette says a council of [[?]] met on the 6th, at which Maximilian [[p?ed]]. Questions of the greatest [[importance?]] were submitted to the Council.

  It is said that this government has p
ed of the United States two Monitors 
expense of $2,000,000, and as the Government 
has no available funds, two w 
merchants of this city have gone secu 
the amount.
   Havana advices of the 30th say that
from Mexico states that the Belgian o
whose term of service was up, had
    On the 12th about 900 soldiers of di
French armies arrived at Vera Cruz.
31st Corps was also expected from t
terior. This body would be the first 
turn to France.
   Yellow and typhoid fever, with chil
agne, is raging at Cordova, and had e
such a panic that many families had
   At the capture of Ures by the Libera
Imperial General was killed.
   It is more than hoped that the whole
of French troops will leave Mexican
within three months.
   The Herald's New Orleans special
24th says: Your Matamoras correspo
sends me the following, under date o
9th: The anticipated attack on Mata
by Cortinas has not yet come off, t
honrly expected for a week past. Co
has announced in an official communi
to Col. Sedgwick that he should attack
ales, in accordance with an order from
supreme Government.
   Both parties are making enegetic e
for the coming conflict. Business is a
entirely suspended here. Most of the
chants are on the other side.
   The gunboard Chinaco is still in the 
of the United States authorities. Ca
Cortinas and escobedo, have asked to 
Col. Sedgwick; responds that he will awa
decision of superior authority.
   Escobedo is still in Monterey. In a 
munication received at Brownsville
October 6th, he writes: "General Trevin
marched to the interior with four thou
troops. The fate of Matamoras, I think
be settled before twelve days, as I have
thousand men in this place."
   The troops of Victoria and Tampico a
accord with him, and will act in conjunc
   Information has just reached here 
General Tapia, with 800 men, is escorti
[[conducta]] with $800,000 from Monterey to
A steamer has gone up the river to bring 
money down upon his arrival. Then
will immediately proceed to this city,
out [[Cansler?]], and assume the Governo
by virtue of his commission from Juarez
will doubtless act in conjunctoin with
   A correspondence in reference to the ri
of American citizens has been going on 
some days past between the commander
the respective shores of the Rio Grande.
has terminated in an amicable adjustmen
all questions. It is not known that 
commissioner of Ortega's has arrived
from New York, though one is expected.
   Myriads of dead fish have recently b
thrown on the shores of Brazos and the Pa
Islands, supposed to be the result of voica

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The Case of Lamirande.

   The counsel for Lamirande have advi
the British Ambassador at Paris in dem
a cessation of proceedings against him. 
the facts of his abduction from Canada

The Fenlan Prisoners.
   The Fenlan prisoners here will probably
tried at Bedford, but the day is not fixed

Fenlan Trials.
TORONTO, Oct. 24
   The trial of the Fenlan prisoners captu
at Fort Erie in June last, commenced at n
   Col. John B. Lynch was first placed in
[[dock?]] and plead not guilty.
   Solicitor General Cockburn and Hon J
Cameron, M. P., appeared for the Cr
J. Martin, of Hamilton, and J. H. Doyle
Toronto, ofr the defense. Kenneth Mc
zie watches the proceedings in behalfof
American government.
   The prisoners' counsel challenged t
the jurors before the jury was compl
which consisted chiefly of farmers and
[[chanles]] from the country.
   Hon. Mr Cameron opened the case fo
Crown by an address to the jury.
   The first witness, Thomas Newbeggi
Fort Erie, identified the prisoner as 

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Transcription Notes:
I've deleted designation of italics, per transcription guidelines