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deer meat, tea and sugar, the latter as a luxury. In your note to me you said, tell Mr Norton to push on to the Orlofka, as we shall be able to supply him from Penjina when he reaches that point He also received a note from you to the smae effect. I wrote to Lieut Norton A.Q.M. at Penjina, that Mr Nortons party would be at the mouth of the Orlofka, on the 12th of April, and represented to him the serious situation in which they would be placed if there were not provisions there to meet them. The weather continued very fine, but intensely cold for the seasion. I judged the temperature to be at night at least 30° below zero up to the 12th of April. After the 25th of March Illias' fish traps failed, and from that time Mr Baxter and myself supplied ourselves from grouse and rabbit traps with meat, and sometimes we sent up a supply to Mr Frosts party. We did not care to eat deer meat when we could get any other kind.

April 11th Mr Frost's provisions being reduced to 2 days rations of beans and deer meat he again stopped work, and I ordered all the men to set traps. On the 13th Mr Harder arrived with 4 sleds, bringing 3 deer 4 sacks of flour, 2 sacks of beans, 10# bacon, and an abundant supply of tea. he brought me a note from Lieut Jared Norton, saying he could not hire sleds to go by the way of Orlofka river, and that the provisions at Penjima were reduced to