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I bought another horse, and ordered it killed at once. I persuaded Illia to go with me to Peujina and was rejoiced to change my skeleton dogs for his team and sent the former to the Myan with the meat

I wrote to Mr Norton that I had to pay 100 Roubles for this horse, and he must make this meat hold out until my return. Fortunately I did not have to pay this price, as the horses and been previously purchased by Mr Kennan at Ghijigha for 25. Roubles apiece. My provisions for the road to Peujina consisted of 4 small fish apiece of half spoiled deer meat, all that the population of this place could furnish me and a piece of horse meat which I furnished myself. We left Markova that night the 15th of May, and on the morning of the 17th when 40 miles from Penjina we met some sleds returning from Ghijigha.

The driver said that you would leave Penjina that evening, and would pass that point about midnight. I laid over awaiting your arrival until 8 A.M. the next morning, when more sleds came up, and I was told you would not leave Penjina until that afternoon. As they could give me food for myself and dogs for the road, and as 5 sleds had gone on to Markova with our provisions I turned back and reached here on the morning of the 19th so unwell that I could scarcely keep my feet. The following morning I sent Lieut Baxter with the 2 best teams in the place with provisions for the party